xfer.services.ncdot.gov - /dsplan/2023 Highway Letting/11-21-23/Plans and Proposals/TRANSYLVANIA_R-5799_C204904/Standard PDF Files/

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10/18/2023 9:41 AM 15346501 100 Roadway Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:41 AM 4394375 100 Roadway Plans2.pdf
10/18/2023 9:41 AM 8955915 150 Right of Way Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:41 AM 10781512 200 Transportation Management Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:41 AM 1667714 210 Pavement Marking Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:41 AM 11358532 220 Electrical Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 7950462 230 Erosion Control Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 528598 240 Reforestation Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 6240114 250 Signing Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 14406344 260 Signal Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 3223573 260 Signal Plans2.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 22520245 280 Utility Construction Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 1330081 280 Utility Construction Plans2.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 4610677 290 Utility by Others Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 25228706 296 Landscaping Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 8434105 296 Landscaping Plans2.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 2320840 300 Cross Section Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 207454 300 Cross Section Plans2.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 1921593 410 Structure Plans - Culverts.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 4354626 420 Structure Plans - Walls.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 5985809 500 Roadway Subsurface Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 3113314 510 Structure Subsurface Plans.pdf
10/18/2023 9:42 AM 17743499 Roadway Supporting Document.pdf