roadway workspace changed log Year 2009 mo.dt. .int. .description. 12.31. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl - set project to design value to 30. 12.30. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl - added dual function pavement component and template. 12.29. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl - updated pointed styles. 12.29. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - added the various psh_curb and gutter styles. 12.29. .sot. .roadway_english_levels.dgnlib - added level "prop conc 2ft 9in curb and gutter". 12.29. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - combined all cmt concrete items into one conc structures style. 12.29. .sot. .roadway_levels.dgnlib - combined all prop cmt concrete levels into one prop cmt concrete structures level. 12.28. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - added item "surface conc". 12.28. .sot. .roadway_levels.dgnlib - added level prop cmt conc surface. 12.28. .sot. .roadway_levels.dgnlib - level prop cmt dnc, change weight from 2 to 0. 12.28. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl - added median ditch components fixed at centerline with maximum slope considerations. 12.28. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl - fixed t_dns guardrail and psh_subgrade dlt. 12.28. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - added items "psh_ditch base" and "psh_ditch boundary". 12.17. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl - added widening/overlay template. 12.17. .sot. .roadway_levels_dgnlib - created prop cmt subgrade daylight point. 12.16. .sot. .roadway_levels_dgnlib - added levels exist cmt eop and prop cmt pvmt surface. 12.16. .sot. .roadway_levels_dgnlib - deleted levels prop cmt berm grass, prop cmt berm grass earthwork, prop cmt shld grass, prop cmt slope gravel*, prop cmt slope paved*, prop cmt ditch dde earthwork, prop cmt sidewalk top, prop cmt slope grass earthwork, prop cmt slope gravel*, prop cmt slope transition. 12.16. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - cleanup unnecessary styles. 12.16. .sot. .roadway_levels_dgnlib - fixed "**external**" library link bug. 12.14. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - added dnc item. 12.09. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - added dsn eot and pln eeot items to the new grahics target styles folder. 12.09. .sot. .roadway_levels_dgnlib - created levels prop cmt dnc, prop cmt wedge, prop cmt milling, and change colors of the pvmt layers. 11.19. .sot. .updated ew_balancesheet.chm. 11.17. .ead. .workshop.pen - updated to include more exist eop levels. 11.16. .sot. .updated ew_balancesheet.chm. 10.04. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl - fixed guardrail graphics seek function. 09.29. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - added "dsn guardrail" for targeting styles xy and "dsn eot" drafting standards. 09.29. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl- changed negative pavmt depth, fix project to design value to 0, and targets styles xy for graphics for all end conditons. 09.22. .ead. .corridor pen table - adjusted for the corridor pentables to function with the v8I transition. 09.17. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl- fixed trenched and graded shoulder sections subgrade line. 09.14. .sot. .roadway.pen- fixed -1 priority with newer iplot versions. 09.10. .sot. .roadway_interface.dgnlib - fixed autoturn toolbox for version 6.1. 09.02. .sot. .rd_draftools.ddb - added permanent drainage utility easement. 09.02. .sot. .roadway_interface.dgnlib & roadwaycfg.dat - fixed autoturn toolbox. 09.01. .sot. - fixed. 08.31. .sot. .roadway.pen - comment out the priority for the three shade levels. 08.27. .sot. .roadway.pen - changed the 3 shade colors from index numbers to rgb values to plot out in v8i. 08.24. .sot. .roadway_interface.dgnlib fixed rd_user rotate tool frame. 08.24. .sot. .userprefseed.upf added to roadway std/data dir. 08.05. .ead. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl and corridor modeling styles DDB 07.29. .sot. .roadway.pen- pounded out statement for pde, row, ca, and row/ca cls. 07.29. .sot. .created legacy folder and place some legacy mdl apps there. 07.28. .ead. .corridor pen table - adjusted the corridor map legend 07.23. .sot. .roadway_interface.dgnlib - fixed iplot toolbox. 07.23. .ead. .corridor pen table - adjusted the colors for preferred alt shapes and study limits 07.22. .sot. .roadway_interface.dgnlib - added toolbox for gpkmerge for v8i only. 07.22. .ead. .corridor ddb - HPB plot as brown and NSA plot as red. 07.22. .ead. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl - new template naming convention. 07.21. .sot. .rd_gpkmerge.mvba - placed in workspace. 07.14. .ead. .corridor pen table - Adjusted so cemetery will not plot and property owner plot in grey areas 07.16. .sot. .rd_payitems.ddb - fixed pipe plugs and collars from being computed with pipes (rounding to the nearest 4'. 07.14. .ead. .corridor pen table - Adjusted so cemetery will plot 07.13. .sot. .master_roadway_templatelibrary.itl - ldss template with affixes. 07.10. .ead. .updated corridor modeler Master_Roadway_TemplateLibrary.itl 06.30. .sot. .rd-oce860-12.set - added to english workspace for 12x20 corridor protection map. 06.29. .dan. .updated coorridor modeler seed files 06.26. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - added exist pavmt item. 06.23. .sot. .rd_corridormodelingstyles.ddb - added eot tick mark item. 06.15. .sot. .roadway.pen - property owner name text darker, weight = 3. 05.20. .ead. .corridor pen table - Adjusted so highway shields plot correct. 05.21. .sot. .roadway_common_plan.cel - updated rock plating detail 1, 2, and 4. 05.20. .ead. .corridor pen table - changed the priority from 11 to 12 on the corridor shape boundary. 05.19. .sot. .rd_ggc.ddb - added ggc shoulders. 05.11. .ead .updated coorridor modeler ddb 04.30. .sot. .roadway pen - grid mask and some cells make 'white' shape instead of 'black'. also make full size plot heavier than halfsize (like before) with the new plotters. 04.29. .sot. .roadway pen - change all color index 255 to 'black' for v8i. 04.29. .sot. .rd_dcpt.mvba - updated code. 04.28. .ead .phm and corridor pen tables wetland (WLB) text to plot blue 04.28. .sot. .rd_hearingmap.ddb and rd_dcpt.mvba - allows users to change WLB text size according to project scale. 04.28. .ead .phm and corridor seed files attached neu to the seed file 04.27. .ead .phm and corridor pen tables wetland level name to plot blue 04.27. .sot. .renamed xy_coord.xls back to xy_coord.xlt and updated 04.27. .ead .phm ddb- corrected decription for placing a HPB label 04.23. .sot. .updated 04.22. .sot. .update configuration 04.20. .ead. .corridor pen tables updated the wetlands to show wt 10 04.16. .dan. .roadway set files - added a new set file (it02-t1100c-arial.set), for plotting aerial's in background, quality set to "normal" 04.16. .dan. .roadway set files - added a new set file (it02-t1100c-corr-arial.set), for plotting aerial's in background, quality set to "normal" 04.16. .dan. .Phm pen tables - corrected (switched settings) Weight 5 and Weight 10 04.13. .sot. - increase search distance for existing eop from 80' to 100'. 04.09. .ead .Phm Photo pen - Curve data plots white on Hmap with ortho 04.06. .sot. .payitems.ddb - added permanent easement markers. 04.02. .ead .corridor and phm Photo pen - Alignment Tick Label text plot white on maps with ortho attached 04.02. .ead .corridor Photo pen - Property Lines and Property text plot white on Corridor map with ortho 04.01. .ead .Phm Photo pen - Property Lines and Property text plot white on Hmap with ortho 03.31. .sot. .roadway_common_plan.cel - updated 4 geotech rock plating cells. 03.30. .ead .Phm Photo pen - updated to match current the 1100 phm pen 03.24. .sot. .updated 03.04. .ead .corridor pen and ddb - added limited CA Symbol. 02.23. .ead .corridor pen and preview pen - updated fix yellow dots on north arrow. 02.23. .ead .corridor preview pen - updated to plot HPB label as white on orthos. 02.20. .sot. .added .set files for vertical xpl sheet layout. 02.19. .ead. .corridor pen - updated to plot HPB label as white on orthos. 02.19. .ead. .corridor ddb - added option to plot HPB label as white on orthos. 02.17. .sot. .tipno_rdy_sum_riprap.xlt - plan checking recommended the removal of "addition say values" for rip rap and ff quantities after the total. 02.17. .sot. .roadway_common_hydraulic.cel and rd_payitems.ddb - added drainage structure number cell. 02.12. .sot. .rip rap vba - minor internal coding changes and rename/reverse tab label, WD-B to B-WD. 02.11. .sot. .rip rap vba - switch cell library for terminator cells between roadway and other units. also place the terminator cell on the same level as the leader line. 02.05. .sot. .rip rap vba - new help file (chm) and improved efficeincy. 02.05. .sot. .roadway.pen - will not plot hydro pipe removal level (line element not text). 02.04. .sot. .roadway.pen - will not plot levels from pdea/neu wetland files except only the four designated by neu. 02.04. .sot. .rd_syncstart.mvba - will not apply the level filters for roadway filetypes except for xsc, pat, and pfl. 02.02. .sot. .rip rap vba - works with ncdot project scale. 02.02. .sot. .hearingmap.ddb - set item phm existing roadway to be removed to correct level. 01.21. .sot. .level "prop xs dde earthwork shape" set to no-plot. 01.15. .sot. .update version of 01.13. .ead. .corridor ddb - added the plot control data cell. sot Oak Thammavong ead Eddie Douglas jam Jim Mcmellon, PE dan Dean Noland roadway_common_plan.cel