Exist Other Cultural Exist Right of Way Easement Line Exist Deed Draft Remnant Left Exist Deed Draft Remnant Right Exist Deed Draft Temporary Construction Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Temporary Slope Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Temporary Slope Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Danger Tree Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Danger Tree Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Property Line Exist Deed Draft Drainage Utility Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Drainage Utility Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Aerial Utility Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Aerial Utility Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Other Left Exist Deed Draft Other Right Exist Deed Draft Permanent Utility Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Permanent Utility Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Right of Way Left Exist Deed Draft Right of Way Right Exist Deed Draft Permanent Conservation Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Permanent Conservation Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Temporary Utility Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Temporary Utility Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Permanent Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Permanent Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Permanent Drainage Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Permanent Drainage Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Temporary Construction Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Forced Closure Exist Deed Draft Forced Closure GIS Exist Deed Draft Temporary Drainage Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Temporary Drainage Easement Right Exist Deed Draft Permanent Construction Easement Left Exist Deed Draft Permanent Construction Easement Right Exist Right of Way Easement Line Text Exist Fence Barbed Wire Exist Fence Chain Link Exist Fence Woven Wire Prop Utilities Gas Line Prop Utilities Gas Structure Prop Utilities Gas Text Prop Structure Prop Utilities SewerFM Prop Lane Lines Mini Skip Prop Roadway Bridge Exist Building Exist Building Text Exist Guardrail EXIST Utilities TV Text Exist Guardrail Text Exist Horizontal Alignment Exist Property Corner CELL Exist Property Corner Leader Exist Property Corner Text Exist Property Iron Pin CELL Exist Property Iron Pin Leader Exist Property Line Exist Property Line Leader Exist Property Line Text Exist Property Monument CELL Exist Property Monument Leader Exist Property Monument Text Exist Property PL Symbol CELL Exist Property Same Owner Line CELL Exist Right of Way Width CELL Exist Property Tie Line Leader Exist Property Tie Line Text Exist Right of Way Control of Access CA Symbol CELL Exist Right of Way Control of Access Line Exist Right of Way Control of Access Line Leader Exist Right of Way Control of Access Line Text Exist Right of Way Easement Line Leader Exist Right of Way Line Exist Right of Way Line Leader Exist Right of Way Line Text Exist Right of Way Monument CELL Exist Right of Way Monument Leader Exist Right of Way Monument Text Exist Right of Way Symbol CELL Exist Other Cultural Text Exist Property Tie Line Exist Roads Exist Roads Text Exist Railroads Exist Railroads Text Exist Utilities Storm Structure Exist Utilities Storm Pipe Line Exist Utilities Storm Text Exist Utilities Other Located Object Text Exist Utilities Gas Line Exist Utilities Gas Structure Exist Utilities Gas Text Exist Utilities Other Located Object Prop Roads Exist Utilities Power Line Exist Utilities Power Text Exist Utilities Sewer Line Exist Utilities Sewer Text Exist Utilities Sewer Structure Exist Utilities SewerFM Exist Utilities Telephone Line Prop Roads Text Exist Utilities Telephone Structure Exist Utilities Telephone Text Exist Utilities TV Line Prop Easement Permanent Drainage Utility Prop Dimension Prop Dimension Text Prop Easement Aerial Utility Prop Easement Aerial Utility Station Offsets Prop Easement Conservation Prop Easement Conservation Station Offsets Prop Easement Construction Prop Easement Construction Station Offsets Prop Easement Danger Tree Area Prop Easement Danger Tree Area Text Prop Easement Permanent Drainage Prop Easement Permanent Drainage Station Offsets Prop Easement Permanent Drainage Utility Station Offsets Prop Easement Permanent Utility Prop Easement Permanent Utility Station Offsets Prop Easement Temporary Drainage Prop Easement Temporary Drainage Station Offsets Prop Fence Barbed Wire Prop Fence Chain Link Prop Fence Woven Wire Prop Guardrail Prop Horizontal Alignment Prop Lane Lines Prop Parcel Number Text Prop Parcel Owner Text Prop ROW RW CA Lines Prop ROW RW Lines Prop ROW Station Offsets Prop ROW Text Exist Utilities TV Structure Prop Parcel Number CELL Prop ROW Symbol CELL Exist Utilities Water Line Exist Utilities Water Structure Exist Utilities Water Text Exist Utilities Power Structure Prop Easement Temporary Utility Prop Easement Temporary Utility Station Offsets Prop Guardrail Text Prop Utilities Power Line Prop Utilities Power Structure Prop Utilities Power Text Prop Utilities Sewer Line Prop Utilities Sewer Structure Prop Utilities Sewer Text Prop Utilities Water Line Prop Utilities Water Structure Prop Utilities Water Text Prop Utilities Storm Pipe Line Prop Utilities Storm Structure Prop Utilities Storm Text Prop SS Cut Line Prop SS Cut Text Prop SS Fill Line Prop SS Fill Text Prop SS Transition Line