MAPLIST FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY MAPS ========================================== Plotfiles are located on gis1:/juke/g006b/envmap-rtl as well as an assortment of plotting shell scripts such as: hp1plot \ loops for multiple plots of each map hp2plot / plotall - plots single copy of each plothalfhp \ plothalfhp2 / plots first & last half of the list - single copy NOTES: ======== Indented county names w/ 0 copies indicates a map containing more than one county - only 1 plot needed * indicates a need for 2 plots for DOT: dual county / split districts # indicates a need for 2 plots for DEHNR: dual county / split regions COUNTY plotname DOT:div(dist) copies DHNR(region) copies ======================================================================== #ALAMANCE alamoran 7(1) 1 WINS,RALE 2 ALEXANDER iredalexcata 12(2) 1 MOOR 1 ALLEGHANY allesurryadk 11(1) 1 WINS 1 ANSON anso 10(1) 1 FAYE 1 ASHE ashewilk 11(3) 1 WINS 1 #AVERY wataavercald 11(2) 1 WINS,ASHE 2 BEAUFORT beau 2(1) 1 WASH 1 BERTIE bert 1(2) 1 WASH 1 BLADEN blad 6(3) 1 FAYE 1 BRUNSWICK brun 3(3) 1 WILM 1 BUNCOMBE madibunc 13(2) 1 ASHE 1 BURKE burk 13(1) 1 ASHE 1 CABARRUS cabastan 10(1) 1 MOOR 1 CALDWELL wataavercald 11(2) 0 WINS,ASHE 0 CAMDEN currcamdpasqperq 1(1) 1 WASH 1 CARTERET cart 2(2) 1 WILM 1 CASWELL casw 7(1) 1 WINS 1 CATAWBA iredalexcata 12(2) 0 MOOR 0 CHATHAM chat 8(1) 1 RALE 1 CHEROKEE grahcherclay 14(2) 1 ASHE 1 CHOWAN chowwash 1(3) 1 WASH 1 CLAY grahcherclay 14(2) 0 ASHE 0 CLEVELAND clevlincgast 12(1) 1 MOOR 1 COLUMBUS colu 6(3) 1 WILM 1 CRAVEN crav 2(2) 1 WASH 1 CUMBERLAND cumb 6(2) 1 FAYE 1 CURRITUCK currcamdpasqperq 1(1) 0 WASH 0 DARE (NORTH) daren 1(1) 1 WASH 1 DARE (SOUTH) dares 1(1) 1 WASH 1 #DAVIDSON davsrowa 9(1) 1 WINS,MOOR 2 DAVIE davi 9(2) 1 WINS 1 DUPLIN dupl 3(2) 1 WILM 1 DURHAM durh 5(2) 1 RALE 1 EDGECOMBE edge 4(1) 1 RALE 1 FORSYTH stokfors 9(2) 1 WINS 1 FRANKLIN fran 5(3) 1 RALE 1 GASTON clevlincgast 12(1) 1 MOOR 1 *GATES gatehert 1(1&2) 2 WASH 1 GRAHAM grahcherclay 14(2) 0 ASHE 0 GRANVILLE granpers 5(2) 1 RALE 1 GREENE greeleno 2(3) 1 WASH 1 GUILFORD rockguil 7(2) 1 WINS 1 MAPLIST FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY MAPS (p.2) ================================================ HALIFAX hali 4(1) 1 RALE 1 HARNETT harn 6(2) 1 FAYE 1 HAYWOOD hayw 14(1) 1 ASHE 1 HENDERSON hendpolk 14(1) 1 ASHE 1 HERTFORD gatehert 1(1&2) 0 WASH 0 HOKE hoke 8(2) 1 FAYE 1 HYDE hyde 1(3) 1 WASH 1 IREDELL iredalexcata 12(2) 0 MOOR 0 JACKSON jackmaco 14(2) 1 ASHE 1 JOHNSTON john 4(3) 1 RALE 1 JONES jone 2(3) 1 WASH 1 #LEE leemoor 8(2) 1 RALE,FAYE 2 LENOIR greeleno 2(3) 0 WASH 0 LINCOLN clevlincgast 12(1) 0 MOOR 0 MACON jackmaco 14(2) 0 ASHE 0 MADISON madibunc 13(2) 0 ASHE 0 MARTIN mart 1(3) 1 WASH 1 MCDOWELL mcdo 13(1) 1 ASHE 1 MECKLENBURG meck 10(2) 1 MOOR 1 *MITCHELL mitcyanc 13(1&2) 2 ASHE 1 MONTGOMERY mont 8(3) 1 FAYE 1 MOORE leemoor 8(2) 0 RALE,FAYE 0 NASH nashwils 4(2) 1 RALE 1 NEW HANOVER newh 3(3) 1 WILM 1 NORTHAMPTON nort 1(2) 1 RALE 1 ONSLOW onsl 3(1) 1 WILM 1 ORANGE alamoran 7(1) 0 WINS,RALE 0 PAMLICO paml 2(2) 1 WASH 1 PASQUOTANK currcamdpasqperq 1(1) 0 WASH 0 PENDER pend 3(1) 1 WILM 1 PERQUIMANS currcamdpasqperq 1(1) 0 WASH 0 PERSON grahpers 5(2) 0 RALE 0 PITT pitt 2(1) 1 WASH 1 POLK hendpolk 14(1) 0 ASHE 0 RANDOLPH rand 8(1) 1 WINS 1 RICHMOND richscot 8(3) 1 FAYE 1 ROBESON robe 6(1) 1 FAYE 1 ROCKINGHAM rockguil 7(2) 0 WINS 0 ROWAN davsrowa 9(1) 0 WINS,MOOR 0 RUTHERFORD ruth 13(1) 1 ASHE 1 SAMPSON samp 3(2) 1 FAYE 1 SCOTLAND richscot 8(3) 0 FAYE 0 STANLY cabastan 10(1) 0 MOOR 0 STOKES stokfors 9(2) 0 WINS 0 SURRY allesurryadk 11(1) 0 WINS 0 SWAIN swai 14(2) 1 ASHE 1 TRANSYLVANIA tran 14(1) 1 ASHE 1 TYRRELL tyrr 1(3) 1 WASH 1 UNION unio 10(2) 1 MOOR 1 VANCE warrvanc 5(3) 1 RALE 1 WAKE wake 5(1) 1 RALE 1 WARREN warrvanc 5(3) 0 RALE 0 WASHINGTON chowwash 1(3) 0 WASH 0 WATAUGA wataavercald 11(2) 0 WINS,ASHE 0 WAYNE wayn 4(3) 1 WASH 1 WILKES ashewilk 11(3) 0 WINS 0 WILSON nashwils 4(2) 0 RALE 0 YADKIN allesurryadk 11(1) 0 WINS 0 YANCEY mitcyanc 13(1&2) 0 ASHE 0